Friday, February 6, 2009

Playing Catch

Yesterday, Kristin noticed how long my hair is. (It's really not that long, but it's a little longer than usual. I would have gotten it cut a couple weeks ago, but we had a trip to Utah coming up, and so I didn't want my head to get too cold because my hair was too short. Seriously, I'm not joking.) Anyway, Kristin also noticed that my grays hairs were becoming more prominent (as is always the case when my hair gets longer). She made some comment that I was getting old and that when we had kids (TBD) I would be too old to even play catch with them. This is ridiculous. First of all, I will not be too old if we don't have kids until I'm 35 or whatever the age is. But second, if I can't play catch with my kids, it'll because I have no athletic ability whatsoever.


Anonymous said...

Chris, I have a spot on my frosh/soph team for you. I only have 6 guys that have played on an organized team before. You'd fit right in with some of my "studs".


Cheryl said...

first of all, you better get started on the kiddos soon because you don't want to be the OLD dad. like when you drop them off to school and the teacher thinks your the grandpa. and no worries about playing catch, she's gonna be a girl so our kids can be bff :) kristin and i have to pass on our shopping skills to somebody!