Sunday, November 30, 2008


This blog has been up and running for a little over two months. So it's time to give out awards.

Best blogger: me (Kristin hasn't contributed anything, so I win this one by default.)

Best commenter
: Jennifer Kennedy (I'm not going to say that I went back and reviewed all comments from all posts, but it seems like Jennifer is commenting at a higher level right now than anyone else.)

Best new reader
: Winde Sciarra (I just heard last night that, although she started reading the blog late, she has gone gone back to the very beginning to read all posts. I was quite touched.)

Congratulations to you all. You win my praise, and maybe someday a toaster.

Clearly, we do not aim to leave anyone out, but there are only so many awards that can be handed out at any one time. So if you don't see your name here today, do not worry, as there will be plenty of opportunities for recognition.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

One More Picture From Dallas

We went to Chuy's on Sunday for lunch. Jennifer and Monty came, and they brought Reece. The little man is cute. So that Kristin doesn't start getting ideas in her head, I think it's time to go buy a dog.

Pictures From Dallas

So I was informed this weekend that this blog needs more pictures. So what my readers want, I provide!

First off, the pre-party at Kristin & Nathan's place: Kristin, Amanda, Kristin, Tracy, and Kate

At the rehearsal dinner, which was held inside the death star.
The wedding cake. I had a piece; it was quite delicious.

The groom's cake: "Forbidden donut."
The first dance. The bride and groom were having a good time out there.
The father-daughter dance.
The Spazmatics.

Larry Jefferson, dominating out on the dance floor.

The following picture is the writer of the blog and his lovely wife, who has still not contributed anything to the blog.

The Nunnellys.
Tracy and Matt, just standing there.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Today's Activities

The Nunnellys came out to Dallas for the wedding. So I spent the day with them. First, we went to the JFK museum, as today is the 45th anniversary of his assassination. It was very interesting to learn more about him, his presidency, and the events of that day. Then we went to lunch. But we almost ended up at Hooters, which could have been a little awkward.

Live Blogging From Dallas

We're here in Dallas for Kristin and Nathan's wedding tonight at 5pm. Congratulations to both of you.

Beyond that, I really don't have much to discuss, other than how I found this fantastic app for my iPhone which allows you to blog remotely. (And if you're annoyed that I'm still talking about my iPhone, then you probably don't have one.)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Favorite Toys

So with my new iPhone, I got to thinking about what my favorite toys are. What recreational items could I not live without? The iPhone is certainly up there near the top, but is it the most important to me? And the answer is no. So I thought long and hard about this very important issue, and here’s my top four (only four because I couldn’t come up with five):

  1. Microsoft Excel: Yes, I’m a big nerd, there’s no doubt about it. Excel is the most wonderful tool I use at work and at home, and I honestly can’t imagine how anything got done in business without it.
  2. iPhone: Give me a couple more weeks, and maybe I’ll move this up to #1. This has certainly changed my life in the three days that I’ve been using it, and it will only get better once I figure out more of the features and download more apps.
  3. DFA Returns Program: This one probably makes me an even bigger dork. But since my current job involves investing, I have access to this fantastic software through the company that provides us our mutual funds. I can put together and compare portfolios, understand their historical returns and volatilities, figure out best/worst-case scenarios, etc etc etc. I even used it to create our current investment portfolio (REALLY risky). Of course, we’re losing a TON of money in the stock market right now, so maybe I should stop playing with the returns program. But at least we’re “long-term investors.”
  4. My Dyson DC-14 Animal vacuum cleaner: In our apartment, I’m the one who cleans. Now, normally, vacuuming is a woman’s job, unless you have this phenomenal piece of equipment.

That’s all I have. Again, no derogatory remarks about my interests, as I’ve already acknowledged how lame I am.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My iPhone

My iPhone is here. My life is so much better. If you would like to get me a gift, I am registered at the Apple store.

Pictures of the happy family to be posted shortly.

BCS Standings - USC

So the BCS rankings currently look like this:
  1. Alabama
  2. Texas Tech
  3. Texas
  4. Florida
  5. Oklahoma
  6. USC

Is there an outside chance that USC could still win the National Championship? Of course there is. It starts this Saturday with Texas Tech beating Oklahoma, moving USC to #5. Then on Thanksgiving, Texas A&M beats Texas (although I will be watching this with the Nunnellys, and there's a good chance that objects could be thrown at my head if this were to happen). This would move USC to #4. Then Missouri beats Texas Tech in the Dr. Pepper Big 12 Championship game (during which you will see no less than 72 airings of the Dr. J / Dr. Pepper commercial). This is entirely possible because Tech runs a finesse offense, and it only takes the offense being a little out of sync to screw up. And on the same day, we'd need a blowout in the SEC Championship game. It wouldn't matter who won, just that it's not close. And all of a sudden, USC is #2, ready to destroy the SEC champ in the national championship game in Miami.

For that matter, all I'd need is a loss by Texas in the Holiday Bowl, and I might even get my carrot cake.

So how about Texas? What's it gonna take for them to get to and win the national championship? Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to express an opinion anymore, because I would have both Kristins, Amanda, Tracy, and any number of other UT alums ready to punch me in the face this weekend if I said something that they didn't like.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Parallel Parking Skills Are Unparalleled

Tonight, I went to dinner with some friends. We went to El Cholo. Anyway, due to my extreme cheapness, I refused to pay for valet parking, even though Kristin and I determined that we should always valet when going there so as to avoid a repeat of the $47 parking ticket we got the last time we parked on the street. (Sorry for the run-on sentence.) So as I said, I was looking for a spot on the street, and I found it. It wasn't very big, but I am probably one of the best parallel parkers of all time. So I maneuvered my car into the spot in one attempt. It was truly a masterpiece, a work of art, if you will. (Just to put this into context, my car is a boat, and it doesn't turn very well.) That's it; that's the end of the story. I just thought you all should know just how good I am, since I do not excel at many other things.

Movie Review: Quantum of Solace

I saw Casino Royale when it came out two years ago. (Actually, a co-worker and I ditched work the day before Thanksgiving to go watch it.) And I finished up at my conference early today, so I walked over to third street promenade, paid $9.50 for the matinee, and then spent the next two hours wondering what was going on. Seriously, maybe I'm just stupid, or maybe I was just bored, but I had no clue about what was happening during the whole movie.

Jury Duty

Kristin just completed her second day of it. She is pissed!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A New Addition To Our Family

As was the purpose of this blog from the very beginning, you, our loyal readers, will be able to find the most important news of the Pagano family here as soon as it is released to our adoring public.

So without further adieu, there will be a new addition to our family soon. It is on its way. Yes, you guessed it, Kristin and I will be welcoming into our family a beautiful, brand new iphone in just a few days. Our lives will forever be changed for the better, and I hope you will join us in this wonderful time.

Actually, this is an early Christmas present from Kristin to me. We had made an arrangement this year that we would not be exchanging gifts (due to the cost of her 1-year anniversary ring), but Kristin ignored that agreement. She then decided and is about to execute upon her gift to herself. And then she decided on this gift for me (which I admit I really want but would never pay for). So the next time you see us, and we can't afford lunch, feel free to lend us a hand. Also, when you hear Kristin say that she wants to retire and I respond that she can't, please realize that I'm not just being cheap, but it's Kristin who has already spent all our money.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I finally finished all the work Halloween candy. I won't lie to you, it was a real commitment. And there were times when I doubted that I could consume that many Baby Ruths, Twix, Snickers, Milky Ways, Butterfingers, and Reese's peanut butter cups. But when I commit myself to something, as I did in this case, there is nothing that can stop me. I want to thank everyone for their love and support during this difficult time. Without you, I still would have been able to succeed.

An Intervention

It sounds like the UT girls are planning an intervention. I won't reveal my source (so as to maintain my journalistic integrity), but it seems as if Amanda does not agree with my thoughts about Texas Tech, Oklahoma, and the rest of the Big 12 rivalry structure. Therefore, it seems she is colluding (is that the right word here?) with Kristin Jefferson, Kristin Pagano (the semi-co-writer of this blog), and Tracy Davis.

Apparently, I'm supposed to get on board with their point of view. I can only assume that the next time I see all four of them at the same time, they are going to ambush me and then start singing "Texas Fight" or the "The Eyes of Texas" while I cry and plead for them to stop.

I don't know what to do! Suggestions, please!

Monday, November 10, 2008

I Cannot Win

It seems all the ladies from Texas are ganging up on me right now. See posts below. Although they make a compelling point, I'm still not on board. I mean, what's wrong with having more rivals? Why not have every week be rivalry week? What's wrong with that? What are you guys afraid of?

Anyway, I think this blog has been too heavily dependent on the Longhorns for subject matter. I think we're going to have to redirect our efforts to more important matters.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kristin Is Wrong

See her post below.

Texas Tech Is Not Our Rival

Kristin here, with my first post ever:

I disagree with Chris in the prior two posts, and I agree with Amanda.

Proof That Texas Tech and Texas Are Rivals

Pulled from comments from my last post:

Amanda said...
"haha...this post was hilarious! I validate Kristin's method in watching college football as it is the same method I use when I watch it. I think it makes it more exciting to yell at the TV and I also use the same words of "get him", "stupid", etc. Regarding your Texas Tech comment, they are in no way our rival...they are just an annoyingly lucky team to have made it as far as they have. They will be destroyed against our true rival of OU in two weeks!"

The fact that Amanda wants OU to beat Texas Tech in two weeks shows that she doesn't hate OU as much as she hates Tech. Someone would never want their true rival to win a football game. Ipso facto ergo, Texas Tech is now your true rival. Done and done.

Two Ways to Watch College Football

Before we get to the main topic of this post, I'd like to discuss another issue of significant importance. Last week, before and after the UT-Texas Tech, Kristin (and I'm sure many of her fellow UT alums) were claiming that it was stupid to think that Texas Tech could be their rival. Tech was just annoying, but certainly not a rival. Anyway, with Texas Tech winning last night (and solidifying the #2 spot for this week, if not #1), this has angered/frustrated/annoyed Kristin. Apparently, she cannot live in a country where Texas Tech is ranked #1; she's willing to move to Canada. So my question is this: How can Texas Tech not be your rival if their success has such a negative impact on you?

Therefore, I declare Texas-Texas Tech to be the biggest rivalry in college football! Period! Done! No arguments please!

OK, so let's discuss more important issues. There are two ways to watch college football, at least in our household. One way is to be on edge through every play, to get visibly upset and make negative remarks when your team is doing poorly, and to praise your school as the greatest ever whenever your team is playing well. These actions start with the opening kick-off, and increase in intensity as the game ends (assuming a close game). If not a close game, the comments still continue but aren't nearly as intense. The second way to watch a game is to just take it all in and to get excited (in the first half) only when there's a score. If the game is close at halftime, then you wouldn't have missed much, as it's the second half which will make all the difference, and you can start really getting into the game. If the game is a blowout at halftime, then you wish you hadn't wasted your time watching the first half, and at least you won't need to watch the second half.

So you can probably guess who is who in our household. Every play for the Longhorns is so very important to Kristin. The following phrases can be heard whenever Kristin is watching the Longhorns:
  • "Get him!"
  • "Stupid!"
  • "Idiot!"
  • "I love you Colt!"
  • "Ahhhh, I miss Vince."
Some of these phrases were even heard yesterday when Texas was up 42-21 against Baylor with 1 minute left in the game. This process leads her blood pressure to increase and/or to have a bad attitude when the Longhorns are down.

So, in conclusion, I'm not going to say that my method of watching college football is better, except that it is.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted

So I finally made it to the voting booth today. I went to St. Paul's Lutheran Church here in Santa Monica, three blocks from our apartment.

A few important notes:
1. I had to cast a provisional ballot, since my registration didn't show up on their voter rolls. I definitely registered, and got paperwork back to confirm my registration. I think I've been disenfranchised.
2. President - [redacted by Kristin, who believes political issues one way or the other are t0o controversial]
3. Rent board - My landlord had a sign promoting Kronovet. I don't know who this Kronovet person is or what their agenda may be, but I'm not supporting anyone my landlord is.
4. Public transportation - I voted yes on all propositions relating to more public transportation. I don't care how much more it costs in taxes (and I think I may have read $900MM, but those are just pesky details), but I want more public transportation here in Southern California. Kristin was appalled, as she thinks this is unregulated spending and a giant waste of money. I, on the other hand, am interested in investing in our future.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Texas at Texas Tech

I won't comment on the game yesterday, just Kristin's reactions to it. By midway through the second quarter, Kristin was already working through the third stage of grief. After a brief argument concerning her poor attitude, we stopped talking for a few minutes. As we made our way through the second half, she got through the next four stages, so much so that by the end of the game, she had already internalized the loss (even though victory had been SOOOO close).

I would like to add, for the record, that I had a piece of cheesecake during the second half, exactly when Texas started its comeback. If I had been allowed to have one more (or been authorized to have it this morning for the GP of Brazil), then I think Texas would have won.

Speaking of auto racing, the Brazilian Grand Prix was fantastic. For you auto racing haters (all of you), the race started in the rain, and ended in the rain, with dry weather in between. And when Lewis Hamilton needed to make up one position or else lose the championship, he made a pass on the driver ahead of him who was skating around in the rain on dry-weather tires. Simply amazing! Kristin was not impressed as I yelled in excitement at the TV.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Canceled: Cheesecake and Auto Racing

As per our agreement on Thursday evening (see the previous post), I was supposed to be allowed to watch qualifying for the Brazilian GP while having cheesecake for breakfast. As of now, Kristin has decided that "we" should have ham and eggs for breakfast. While I no doubt appreciate my wife's efforts to cook for me (and even keep me healthy), I must say that I'm disappointed not to be enjoying some of my favorite food while watching my favorite sport. I am also disappointed that Kristin has not honored her commitment in this situation. As such, I am not quite as excited about today's upcoming events as I was previously. And my ability to enthusiastically root for the Longhorns tonight may be compromised.

Weather prediction for tomorrow's race: rain.