Sunday, November 30, 2008


This blog has been up and running for a little over two months. So it's time to give out awards.

Best blogger: me (Kristin hasn't contributed anything, so I win this one by default.)

Best commenter
: Jennifer Kennedy (I'm not going to say that I went back and reviewed all comments from all posts, but it seems like Jennifer is commenting at a higher level right now than anyone else.)

Best new reader
: Winde Sciarra (I just heard last night that, although she started reading the blog late, she has gone gone back to the very beginning to read all posts. I was quite touched.)

Congratulations to you all. You win my praise, and maybe someday a toaster.

Clearly, we do not aim to leave anyone out, but there are only so many awards that can be handed out at any one time. So if you don't see your name here today, do not worry, as there will be plenty of opportunities for recognition.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Seriously no award for me?!?!?! I think I should get the "Best Reader" or I'll settle for "Best Old Reader" award. Just because. 'Nuff said. You know I am!