Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted

So I finally made it to the voting booth today. I went to St. Paul's Lutheran Church here in Santa Monica, three blocks from our apartment.

A few important notes:
1. I had to cast a provisional ballot, since my registration didn't show up on their voter rolls. I definitely registered, and got paperwork back to confirm my registration. I think I've been disenfranchised.
2. President - [redacted by Kristin, who believes political issues one way or the other are t0o controversial]
3. Rent board - My landlord had a sign promoting Kronovet. I don't know who this Kronovet person is or what their agenda may be, but I'm not supporting anyone my landlord is.
4. Public transportation - I voted yes on all propositions relating to more public transportation. I don't care how much more it costs in taxes (and I think I may have read $900MM, but those are just pesky details), but I want more public transportation here in Southern California. Kristin was appalled, as she thinks this is unregulated spending and a giant waste of money. I, on the other hand, am interested in investing in our future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the blog. "I Voted" too! I was able to use the cool booth to cast my votes by using only a finger tip. My wife was stuck bubbling in here votes the "old school" way.

How about spending all those million/billion/bagillion dollars on a playoff for college football instead of the some of the crazy grants people get to study the side effects of drinking too much Mountain Dew (or whatever ludicrous grant you want to look up).