Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A New Addition To Our Family

As was the purpose of this blog from the very beginning, you, our loyal readers, will be able to find the most important news of the Pagano family here as soon as it is released to our adoring public.

So without further adieu, there will be a new addition to our family soon. It is on its way. Yes, you guessed it, Kristin and I will be welcoming into our family a beautiful, brand new iphone in just a few days. Our lives will forever be changed for the better, and I hope you will join us in this wonderful time.

Actually, this is an early Christmas present from Kristin to me. We had made an arrangement this year that we would not be exchanging gifts (due to the cost of her 1-year anniversary ring), but Kristin ignored that agreement. She then decided and is about to execute upon her gift to herself. And then she decided on this gift for me (which I admit I really want but would never pay for). So the next time you see us, and we can't afford lunch, feel free to lend us a hand. Also, when you hear Kristin say that she wants to retire and I respond that she can't, please realize that I'm not just being cheap, but it's Kristin who has already spent all our money.


Anonymous said...

You are an ass. Thanks for getting me all excited that Nico was finally going to have a cousin to play with. Well I guess at least he will have an iphone to play with. He loves to play with phones

The Kennedy's said...

Oh an anniversary ring?!?! How exciting. Much better than going out to eat lunch. It probably sparkles all the time. sigh... Texas and TT aren't rivals. It's strange. TT apparently is playing better this year, but they aren't rivals. It would be like U of Arizona being better than SC one year - not rivals. :)

emeanley said...

Hilarious!!! Chris, I met you at (Kristin's) Cheryl's wedding! HI, guys! I found this blog from the link on Cheryl Freiburg's blog.