Friday, November 14, 2008

Movie Review: Quantum of Solace

I saw Casino Royale when it came out two years ago. (Actually, a co-worker and I ditched work the day before Thanksgiving to go watch it.) And I finished up at my conference early today, so I walked over to third street promenade, paid $9.50 for the matinee, and then spent the next two hours wondering what was going on. Seriously, maybe I'm just stupid, or maybe I was just bored, but I had no clue about what was happening during the whole movie.


The Cooksey's said...

I'm disappointed to hear this movie review...I enjoyed Casino Royale and have been wanting to see this new movie as a result. So should I not even waste my time?

Unknown said...

you watched a movie by yourself? LLLLLLoooossseerrrr!!!

so was quantum better than chuck & larry?

-The Coworker