Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend - Eating

I went to visit my friend Tim in South Carolina over the long weekend. This was my sixth time to visit him: three times while he lived near Indianapolis and now three times in South Carolina. Of those trips, I've seen two Indy 500's, one Brickyard 400, and this would be my third Coca-Cola 600.

Well, it rained all weekend, and that ruined the racing. So there's no real need to discuss the particulars of the NASCAR drivers' inability to drive around in circles in the rain. I might as well discuss some of the fine foods I had over the weekend. Please keep in mind, this is not a comprehensive list, just the highlights:

Friday (DFW Airport)
  • KFC chicken tenders - pretty good, but as soon as I sat down, I noticed the Auntie Anne's pretzel dog, and I seriously considered getting one of those as well.

Saturday (downtown Charlotte):
  • 1 polish sausage sandwich - excellent
  • 1 deep-fried twinkie - I've always wanted to have one. But it was quite disappointing. I just don't see the point of having fried dough surround something that is already so obviously perfect. And what made this even more disappointing is that right after I finished this and couldn't possibly eat anymore, we saw a couple of guys walk by eating chocolate-covered frozen cheesecake on a stick. That looked like one of the best desserts ever, and I didn't get any.
Sunday (Lowe's Motor Speedway):
  • 1 giant turkey leg - pretty good. I've always wanted one of these as well. It wasn't anything special, but I'm glad I had it.
  • 1 Dove bar - I really needed some ice cream

Monday (Lowe's Motor Speedway)
  • 2 slices of Domino's pizza - you just can't go wrong with this choice
That's really about it. I suppose it could have been worse. However, on my flight home, I started feeling sick, and now I have a sore throat and a cold. So what's that old saying: "Feed a fever, starve a cold." Or is it: "Feed a cold, starve a fever." Or maybe it's "Feed a cold, feed a fever." Either way, I was supposed to be on a diet and exercising once I got home. But now that I'm oh so slightly under the weather, I feel I should continue eating so as to improve both my physical and mental health.

Laundry Mishaps

We usually do laundry on the weekend, every two weeks. However, because I was going to be gone over the Memorial Day weekend, and because Kristin would have people over, I told her that I'd do half of it (the first two loads) on Wednesday (a week ago today), and the other two loads on Thursday. Well, things did not go exactly according to plan.

On my first night of solo laundry, I washed and then dried a sweater of Kristin's that she did not want dried. I shrunk it. She had worn it only once, and it was ruined by my poor laundering skills.

On the second night of laundry, I had to wash the sheets. Well, all the sheets wouldn't fit into one machine, so I divvied them up. That meant I had to get some other stuff into each of the two machines. And since most of what I had left were Kristin's jeans , I threw a few pairs of jeans into each machine. Well, one of the jeans was brand new, and it made our bed sheets a very light blue.

So, two nights of laundry, two large mistakes. I think the lesson here is that I'm an idiot and that I cannot be trusted with simple household chores.

Also, there are two final points to make:
  • The blue-ness of the sheets isn't really a big deal, because a) no one ever sees them, and b) even when you do see them, the blue-ness is only really visible in the right light and in comparison to the pillow cases, which luckily made their way into the other washing machine.
  • The offending pair of jeans which caused this blue-ness was Kristin's brand new pair from the Blue Jeans Bar, which she got because she got a gift certificate after winning her NCAA tournament pool. So this is another example of financial karma, which I talked about many many posts ago.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kristin's Reign of Terror

Last night, we went out to the local bar to celebrate the birthday of one of Kristin's co-workers. We went to Ma'Kai, in Santa Monica, right next to the pier. It's a cool place. We had a few drinks. However, the plan was that a bunch of people would be heading three doors down near the end of the night to Joe's Pizza, which is a Santa Monica institution. Kristin has never let me have Joe's.

Anyway, last night, it was needed, desperately. It was late; I had had a couple drinks; and I was starving. The thought of a greasy, pepperoni-laden slice (or two) of pizza was something I could not get out of mind. Unfortunately, as we left, Kristin made me walk right past it, in agony.

I would have disobeyed her orders to forego the pizza, but I would have gotten the stare of death as well as some comment, like "Really?" or "You do what you have to do" in some completely disappointed and nasty tone.

I guess I need to send Kristin out of town before I can finally go to Joe's Pizza. If any of Kristin's friends want to invite her to go visit them sometime soon, please go ahead.

Banana Republic Strikes Back

A couple months ago, I wrote about Kristin's gambling habit. I made some defamatory remarks about Banana Republic, basically being no better than a casino feeding an addiction. Well, Banana Republic has bested me yet again. They invited Kristin to an "exclusive" party for being a deluxe card member. Basically, because she spends too much money there, they tricked her into believing that she was invited to some exclusive party, where she could spend even more money. So on Thursday, she attended this party, where they had a DJ, free wine and appetizers, and everything was 40% off. She came home with a bunch of stuff.

I told her that she wasted a lot of money; she claimed that she had gotten so many good deals.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Softball Season Ends

Kristin is tired of the softball stories. So in its place is a vast amount of nothingness.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Condo Negotiations Revisited

We did not win our auction to buy the condo on 6th street in Santa Monica. We found this out on Friday. So with our down-payment just burning a hole in our pocket, we went out for a nice dinner. It was good.