Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kristin's Reign of Terror

Last night, we went out to the local bar to celebrate the birthday of one of Kristin's co-workers. We went to Ma'Kai, in Santa Monica, right next to the pier. It's a cool place. We had a few drinks. However, the plan was that a bunch of people would be heading three doors down near the end of the night to Joe's Pizza, which is a Santa Monica institution. Kristin has never let me have Joe's.

Anyway, last night, it was needed, desperately. It was late; I had had a couple drinks; and I was starving. The thought of a greasy, pepperoni-laden slice (or two) of pizza was something I could not get out of mind. Unfortunately, as we left, Kristin made me walk right past it, in agony.

I would have disobeyed her orders to forego the pizza, but I would have gotten the stare of death as well as some comment, like "Really?" or "You do what you have to do" in some completely disappointed and nasty tone.

I guess I need to send Kristin out of town before I can finally go to Joe's Pizza. If any of Kristin's friends want to invite her to go visit them sometime soon, please go ahead.


The Kennedy's said...

An open invite to Texas ;) many many friends live put her on a flight, and head straight to Joe's! We women have something called P Power. It's crazy stuff.

Cheryl said...

omg, this post is too funny. and really chris, you know better! did kristin ever tell you about the time we went out, came back to the apartment quite inebriated and i was STARVING, so i ordered a pizza... except i ended up praying to the porcelain gods before the pizza even arrived? ahh, good times. next time, get her more drunk so she doesn't know any better when you wander into to get a slice!

The Cooksey's said...

this post is very funny...and I can just see the "stare" and hear the comment. haha. I'm with Jennifer...there's an open invitation to Texas anytime! In fact, I know she is coming to Austin in Sept/Oct so go ahead and plan your trip to Joe's then!