Sunday, May 17, 2009

Banana Republic Strikes Back

A couple months ago, I wrote about Kristin's gambling habit. I made some defamatory remarks about Banana Republic, basically being no better than a casino feeding an addiction. Well, Banana Republic has bested me yet again. They invited Kristin to an "exclusive" party for being a deluxe card member. Basically, because she spends too much money there, they tricked her into believing that she was invited to some exclusive party, where she could spend even more money. So on Thursday, she attended this party, where they had a DJ, free wine and appetizers, and everything was 40% off. She came home with a bunch of stuff.

I told her that she wasted a lot of money; she claimed that she had gotten so many good deals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many slices of Joe's Pizza could you have had with the cash spent on clothes?
