Friday, November 14, 2008

My Parallel Parking Skills Are Unparalleled

Tonight, I went to dinner with some friends. We went to El Cholo. Anyway, due to my extreme cheapness, I refused to pay for valet parking, even though Kristin and I determined that we should always valet when going there so as to avoid a repeat of the $47 parking ticket we got the last time we parked on the street. (Sorry for the run-on sentence.) So as I said, I was looking for a spot on the street, and I found it. It wasn't very big, but I am probably one of the best parallel parkers of all time. So I maneuvered my car into the spot in one attempt. It was truly a masterpiece, a work of art, if you will. (Just to put this into context, my car is a boat, and it doesn't turn very well.) That's it; that's the end of the story. I just thought you all should know just how good I am, since I do not excel at many other things.

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