Wednesday, February 25, 2009


On Saturday, Kristin and I met up for dinner with Kristin's brother Garrett and cousin Pat. During the dinner, Pat mentioned that he was part of a softball team and said they could use a couple extra players for the team. So I emailed him on Monday, and he said to show up on Tuesday night at the field near the Rose Bowl.

I was totally excited, for many reasons. I've never been in a softball league. (I've also never been in a bowling league either, and so I need to join one of those as well.) It would be really fun to play/compete. I might get some exercise. I might even meet some cool people. Most importantly, it would be the opportunity to end my 0 for 35 batting streak (going back to T-ball, circa 1987). Also, for Kristin's sake, it would be my chance to get some practice in before having kids, so that if we have a son someday, I would not be the worst person in the world to teach him how to throw/catch/hit a baseball. (My brother and sister-in-law are currently going through deliberations as to whether I should be allowed sports time with my nephew.)

Anyway, back to the point. Yesterday was the first game of the league. During lunch, I went to Big 5 and got some cleats. I showed up at the field, and we played the game. I won't discuss the final outcome of the game, since that's not important to the story. But for me, I went 0 for 2 with two strikeouts. I struck out twice on four pitches total (each at-bat starts with 1 ball and 1 strike). On each pitch, I swung and missed (badly).

So the moral of the story is this: I am now trying to end an 0 for 37 streak. Very embarrassing!

Also, can anyone recommend a good batting cage in the Santa Monica area? I need to get my timing down.


Anonymous said...

Something here doesn't add up.

How can one hit a wiffle curve ball from 20 feet away at the annual Christmas day Sciarra/Pagano wiffle ball extravaganza (which never saw its 3rd birthday now that I think about it) but can't hit a softball?

I smell blacksox scandal somewhere in here......

Anonymous said...

I do believe that your brother told me you guys were on a bowling league- NERDS! Anyway, i think we are going to leave the "sports" to the more athletically inclined. Sorry! You can teach him how to draw stadiums to scale :)