Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Road Rage

So I was carpooling with my friend Matt today. Traffic on the 10 was so bad that Matt made the snap decision to get off the freeway and take Venice all the way down. This requires a short trek through a not-so-great part of town.

Anyway, as we're leisurely heading down Venice, some guy tries to make a left-hand turn right in front of us, nearly causing an accident. So Matt hits his horn (totally justified), and the guy holds up before getting into our lane, and then gets in behind us. At the next light, we're sitting there, and he pulls up alongside us (two lanes over), and he's got his head out the window, yelling at us. He was kind of a scary looking guy, and I made the mistake of looking over at him and making eye contact, so that probably didn't help the situation.

As the light goes green, the guy takes off and pulls into the lane directly next to us. So Matt goes slow, trying to avoid confrontation. Matt eventually pulls in behind the guy, actually two cars behind. So the guy makes a quick right and stops, waiting for us to pass him. As we do, he's still got his head out the window, still yelling at us. And that was the last we saw of him.

But Matt seemed a little perturbed by the whole situation, maybe even frightened. I, of course, was not too much concerned about this. After all, I'm a veteran of road-rage incidents, having been punched in the face by a guy in a Ford Taurus in Santa Clara about two years ago.

The lesson: I am one tough dude, and Matt is not.

1 comment:

Matt said...

You are correct Chris and if being a wuss is wrong, I don't wanna be right! There was no way I was going to pull off Venice in order to get in a fight with a hispanic guy in the Western and Venice area! I'm a lover not a fighter (for all you single ladies out there). Don't you watch Gangland? I know what goes on in the 'hood! Ha, ha.