Sunday, January 4, 2009

On TV Tonight

Today, Monday, January 5, is a HUGE day for TV. There are six hours of quality television conveniently wrapped into three programs.
  • The Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: First, stick it to the corporate sponsor by opening up a bag of Doritos or Fritos or Cheetos during the game. Second, go to the other TV, so that you are not watching it with a UT alum. You'll avoid not only the play-by-play commentary but also the complaints about being left out of the BCS championship game.
  • Gossip Girl: This show sucks, and it is beneath the dignity of this blog to speak positively about it. I mean, Kristin loves it, and will be watching it intently, and will be saying every other commercial break "XOXO, Gossip Girl." But that doesn't mean that this show isn't one big pile of ....
  • John & Kate Plus Eight: In the upcoming season, it seems the big event is that the Gosselins move to a bigger house. While that may be the issue promoted in all their commercials, they should be highlighting what's going on with the children. (The twins Mady and Cara are now eight years old, while the sextuplets will be five in May.) Anyway, the big issue, I think, is what's going to happen with the sextuplet boys. I think it's glaringly obvious that both Joel and Collin are punks, and it's only a matter of time before they start picking on Aaden. I can only hope it starts this season, so they can show Kate flying off the handle and going crazy and yelling at everyone.


The Kennedy's said...

game watching with Monty is much the same. He is apparently doing a much better job coaching from Dallas then Mack is doing from Phoenix or so he thinks! :)

The Cooksey's said...

I think you should feel honored to watch a Longhorn game with a UT makes the experience that much more entertaining. :) There was a lot of yelling during the game last night but thank goodness it was for a good result! I am also a huge fan of Gossip Girl and Jon and Kate Plus 8! You forgot to mention The Bachelor though! I had my two DVRs working overtime last night!

Cheryl said...

wasn't kate in prime form last night? she freaks out so easily. her tantrum in the kitchen when john was trying to help her was sooo maddie-esque!

Anonymous said...

WHAT?? A mother who flies off the handle and yells and screams for no reason. I just cant believe that a mother could do something like that.

YSIL- Christina

~ CLK said...

Looooove Gossip Girl!! XOXO